21CP is overseeing implementation of a federal consent decree involving the Baltimore Police Department (BPD). The Consent Decree requires the Baltimore City Police Department to adopt a number of specific reforms aimed at ensuring effective, safe, and constitutional policing.

The BPD Monitoring Team was appointed by Judge Bredar to oversee the implementation of the Consent Decree between DOJ, BPD, and the City. Numerous of 21CP's consultants serve as Judge Bredar’s agent, helping him gauge whether, consistent with the Consent Decree’s objectives, BPD is achieving meaningful reform by making tangible changes in its policies and practices. The Team also provides technical assistance to BPD as BPD seeks to implement the reforms required by the Consent Decree.

21CP's Chuck Ramsey is Principal Deputy Monitor.  Sean Smoot, Hassan Aden, Roberto Villasenor, Matthew Barge, Nola Joyce, Ellen Scrivner, Tracey Meares, and Kevin Bethel are all subject matter experts assisting in the implementation of critical reforms.